
Today :)

Today I:
Went to the gym & worked my arm muscles something fierce! WHEW!! I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the morning.
Had lunch with a few of my fabulous, intelligent, spiritual & creative friends. We had such a enjoyable time sitting outside in the shade, eating the yummiest pita bread & planning something fun in the Fall-yeah!
I got a fun present from my friend to add to one of my many collections. Isn't it the best when your friends know what you like & help your collections grow- thanks M!!
Realized what a great husband I have. He took the time to help me do a little something for H&H during his busy schedule today. Thanks Ty!!
Saw some cute jewelry on sale at AE that I wish I would have gotten so I didn't have to drive back there tomorrow :)
Checked something off my to-do list that has been on there for awhile - yeah!
Got a sweet little treat basket from my neighbor down the street. It was such a nice little thoughtful surprise to end the day, thanks D!
I ate a {huge} piece of Carrot Cake all by myself {don't judge me :) } It is a must when you go to Taggarts & I just love it! Plus, I worked out this morning right??
Today was a good day!

1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}