
-the count down has begun-

5.21.10- I can't believe I am running out of days, to get everything done, before school is officially out for Summer! Does anyone else feel the same way? It just seems like yesterday that I walked my girls to the bus stop for the 1st day of school. My kids have been counting down the days until Summer vacation for 21 days now. I hope I can get everything done I want to in 4 days {actually 3 1/2 because we have early out} Clothes shopping, finish up orders from The Hive, order new labels, get more business cards made & finish cleaning & changing up my craft room. I got a "SWeeT" sign from my friend, Haley, that will go perfect in there! {I'll post a picture when I am all done}

But for know here is a list of things I am counting down the days until:
-celebrating A&E's 8th birthday! We are thinking either a Carnival or Alice in Wonderland themed party.
-my birthday! {I won't tell you how old I am going to be}
-going to SLC with Ty & some friends, on the 11th, to see one of my all-time favorite people- Jerry Seinfeld. Can't wait, he is always soooo funny!
-telling you all about where Hollyhocks & Honeybees is going to be next month {all my Utah & SL county clients are going to be so HaPPy}
-Eclipse {June 29th} the Midnight showing! I will be giving away some Twilight themed H&H frames that night.- A&E getting baptized!
- the 4th of July {one of my FaVoRiTE HoLiDayS!}
- redecorating Miss Macey's bedroom for her 12th birthday
- celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary in July- going to California for our family vacation.
- hosting an odds & ends swap with 3 friends in August.
- a new family picture in August {hopefully I get a nice tan this Summer}

Whew, lots to look forward too.
What are you counting down the days until?


  1. I am counting down the days until school starts and I will be starting my new job at Morgan High School. Yeah!! First day of school August 25th. (Just around the corner.) :)

  2. Thanks for the comment, V! We are looking forward to that date too!! Let the tutoring begin :)

  3. I just saw the cutest picture with alice in wonderland things and thought that would be a great party to throw! do you ever look at the 'made' blog? i saw them on her blog--the post from the quilters market a couple days ago :)

    I am loving my latest frame I bought at the piper show--it's the colorful ruler one and looks perfect in my boys room! Just LOVE all your stuff!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}