
And the winner is..........................

All the entries are in {even all you late night last minuters :)}

Drum roll please... the winner of the 1st "BuZZ" about The Hive & win drawing is.................

CoNGRaTuLaTioNS, L A!!
Please leave a comment & tell me your first name so I can set the $25.00 aside for you to spend at The Hive. {I'm trying to figure out if you are someone I already know or if you are someone new- so excited to find out!}
THANKS to everyone that entered the drawing. I really appreciate you creating a "BuZZ" about The Hive. I have amazing family, friends & clients. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Check back for a SNeaK PeeK of Hollyhocks & Honeybees stuff that will be at The Hive.
Have a happy day & thanks again!!


  1. OMG!! OMG!! I never win anything!!! *** running, screaming with my hands above my head*** Wow Thanks Melissa!!! And so sad I missed the hive due to a *small* wedding in our backyard :( Hopefully you will take a raincheck on that one! Hope is was a HuGe success for you! P.S. I love your playlist!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}