
My Devil-ish side!

This post will be in blue in honor of my beloved Duke Blue Devils winning the 2010 National Championship on Monday night. As many of you know I am a huge Duke Basketball fan {see 58 things post} I have been since the 6th grade. No rhyme or reason why I am other than I saw them playing on TV one time, saw the blue & white uniforms, thought they looked like a nice team {thanks to my upbringing of loving BYU football which also wears blue & white} I just started following them.
I never thought that one day I would get to:

-travel to Durham, No. Carolina {3 times}
-attend 2 games in Cameron Indoor {I've seen them play in person 7 times}
-walk around the Duke campus {which is gorgeous by the way}
-go into the Perkins Library on campus hold & read from a 1st edition Book of Mormon
-walk onto the court of Cameron Indoor Stadium
-dine with some of the players after a game in the Bull Durham lounge at the Washington Duke Inn {ok, they were at the table right next to us!}
- kiss the D at half court. {I told you I am a huge fan!}
-and meet Coach K, with my Schoompy, in 2001 at a Conference where he was the key note speaker.

None of those things would have been possible without my terrific husband who arranged flights, pulled a few strings to get tickets & has supported this obsession & helped me reach a few of my goals- Thanks Ty! :)
I love to watch & enjoy the games with my 3 girls, receive congratulatory texts from friends {as well as some taunting & teasing if it doesn't go Duke's way} calls from my Mom, sisters & little nephew D, who has turned into quite a fan. I even make Devils Food Cake, from scratch, each BB season. I got the recipe from Foster's Market, a charming little eatery in Durham {I have to go there every time we visit!}
When we turned off the TV, after the Championship game, the girls turned to me & asked, "what are we going to do each week now?" They had so much fun making banners, signs, cheering, doing cartwheels & watching the games. I'm sure we will find something to fill up the time before next season starts :)

I'm looking forward to planning a trip soon to Durham {with my girls} to see the 4th Championship banner hanging up in Cameron. What a great basketball season-GO DUKE!


  1. Go Devils! I'm glad to see that the turtle's are finally getting into it! AJQ is nuts. I love the picture of you and Emmers. I'm glad they got to see their first Yankee World Series win and Duke National Championship. Hopefully the next ones won't be so long in between wins. :)

  2. That game was AWESOME, baby!!! GO DUKE!! I love the pics, I'm glad that the girls got to have their tatoos and ballons. Thanks for getting me hooked back in the early 90s.


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