
"I know, let's play school!"


This is a typical conversation I hear often from my 2 "Turtle Twins" Audrey & Emily. They love to play school, read books & pretend to be the teacher. They even have official lunch cards to play with thanks to Grandma Hall who brings them all sorts of goodies, that would have just been thrown out, at the end of each school year. I LOVED playing school & pretending to be the teacher when I was younger I think they get it from me. I guess that's why I grew up & got my degree in teaching, sometimes I wish I was still teaching. I always get a little excited in the Fall when all the new packs of crayons are on the store shelves & tall stacks of crisp clean notebooks sit just begging to be filled but then I realize that home is really where I want to be. So back to the Twins, they would get a piece of paper out of a notebook write a # on it & then tape it above their playroom window 1-10. Then they would point at each number, with their official red plastic school pointer thing that they just had to get at the book fair last year, to recite them.

One day it occurred to me, as I was looking at the 10 paper pages taped onto the wall with blue painters tape, that I should do something to help their creativity & play along & something that would look a little nicer. I went into my studio & painted the numbers 0-9 in different colors & then had my Schmoopy put them up on the wall. Ta-da it looks so much better & my kids have loved using them as they play with their friends.

Just wanted to share the story behind a happy little spot in our home. I LOVE the big H&H #'s- so many possibilities. {check back more ideas to come}


  1. Seriously, I love everything about your house, but this is one my favorite places in the Quigley home. That and the secret pantry. :) See you tomorrow.

  2. Thanks Becca, you're sweet. Thanks for letting me "play teacher" alot too when we were younger!


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