
Fresh new look

I think Spring is finally almost here. The snow is slowing but surely melting up at my house, I still have about a foot & 1/2 of snow in my front yard, but it is finally starting to melt away. Yeah! It makes me so happy :)

I have always been amazed at my Grandma Hall & how long she can keep her poinsettias, that she gets around Christmas time, to stay alive. Every year when I go to visit her for Valentines' Day she still has some in her house & even longer than that sometimes. Well this year I am proud to say that I have done it!! I still have 3 beautiful red poinsettias alive in my house. I have really enjoyed them but I think it is time to say good-bye to them. I need to "lighten" up my house & get some fresh bright colors in here. I replaced one with a vase of vibrant orange tulips today & it makes me feel so much happier! What do you think?
I can't wait until I see the tops of daffodils popping up through the ground outside. Something to look forward too :)


  1. I think it looks like Spring. Nice!

  2. You always make our home look so good.

  3. This is going to make you crazy, but when we were at BYU for the game a few weeks ago, the daffodils were coming up already.

    You have a long time until that happens up there. :)

  4. I am pretty sure some of Grandma's poinsettias lasted until August last year.



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