Hello! Excited to start something new on here. Since I'm trying to work my way back into posting regularly & I thought I needed something to be a recurring theme, something that I have a lot of to share & maybe inspire you along the way that I could do consistently. I've decided to start a weekly series called, Collection/Obsessions. Sharing with you a few of the things I love.
If you follow me on Instagram {@hollyhcocksandhoneybees} you might have seen the hash tag I use quite regularly showing off the things I'm currently collecting & obsessing over. You can hop on over to Instagram & take a peek for yourself #collectionobsessions of what I'm talking about.
These next few pics are all things currently up & around in my kitchen. No staging needed!
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-Newest cookie jar, also snagged at The Hive- |
I'm kind of enchanted by it! I think it started with my glass pop bottle fascination & has grown from there. It's hard for me to go into a antique shop & turn down or walk away from any kind of vintage glass cake stand, old cookie jars, vintage Bell jar or cool shaped containers. Glass seems to always intrigue me for some reason. Something very unique & original about them.
{In fact, as I'm typing right know I'm thinking about a vintage glass jar I saw at an antique store & left behind. It's been a few weeks ago that I saw it so..... maybe I need to go see if it's still there & bring it home with me. }
-Our kitchen snack station! Love this mix, so much. Charming & cute all at the same time. Looks like we're low on Almonds too!- |
I like to mix glass into anything I decorate with around the house. Love it paired with wood & metal, goes so well together. Maybe because it's clear it looks beautiful mixed in with just about anything. It always enhances what it's set next to.
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-Glue glass is pretty!- |
What I really wanted to share with you is our glass cupboard, it sits right above our dishwasher & is probably the most used cupboard in the whole kitchen. Maybe your house isn't like ours with a bizillion cups lying around at the end of the night. I look around & think, where did all these glasses come from & why can't everyone just use one glass during the day?! Hahaha. Anyway, lets just say this cupboard gets a lot of use! Wanted to show you a peek inside of it.
{This is where my collection/obsession comes into play}
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-Hi Hector!- |
Just a few kinds of glasses on display. They are used for all sorts of things from everyday, ice cream, orange juice to desserts. Lots of variety to choose from in this cupboard. Let me tell you a little about each kind & what we usually use them for, row by row.
Juice glasses {really jelly jars}-These are just dainty & cute. Love putting them out each morning for the girls to drink from before they rush out the door for school or to serve OJ in on the weekends. Simple & sweet glasses + they serve as jam jars if I'm in a pinch & the batch was bigger than I thought!
Everyday- nothing fancy about these guys, just get the job done day in & day out.
Fancy Everyday {Dinner Glasses} - these cut, designed glasses are when we have dinner all together as a family or when guests come over. Something a little more fancy than the plain regular glasses. Plus, two of my daughters like to have ice water in these, only these glasses, right before bed time. Go figure!
{Got these from IKEA & really, really like them!}
Tall Mugs w/ Handle- My hubby & I bought these after our trip to Finland. We were served hot chocolates in them & it opened our eyes to this sweet drink being served in a whole new way. We love hot chocolate around here so we had to get some. {Found these at WorldMarket} Don't get me wrong we drink other stuff in these as well, not limited to just hot cocoa drinking but that's their main purpose.
Heavy Duty, BiG glass mugs- Traditionally our go to, sit down watch a movie or show, fill to the brim ice cream mugs. Usually they're filled with mint shaved choc. chip ice cream topped with chopped almonds. {That's just how we roll around here!} My hubby will also use these for his oatmeal in the morning. But other than that, these don't get used for anything else. Kind of funny how things just find a knack of what they should be used for.
Blue short glasses- our game day glasses. Inspired to get some after visiting Duke University & eating at the Bull Durham Lounge. Plus, we like blue a lot around here so those are just occasional fun drink glasses.
Tall Goblets- We're not wine drinkers but need these for a few special occasions in our home, mostly our traditional candlelight Valentines Day dinner. These seem to just elevate the water or soda pop, being served in them, to a higher level.
Glass dessert shot glasses- these are fun to serve little tastes of dessert or juice in. I'll be honest, they haven't been put to too much use over the years but the girls have had fun with them. I bought them after going to a Gourmet Club dinner with friends & being served 3 desserts, a different mouse in each one. It was so fun, I thought I need to get me some of those. Something fun about eating out of a unique container.
Ice Cream Sundae Glasses- Ok, these are the real deal! Don't these just take you back to going to the ice cream shoppe, waiting at the counter & digging into drippy, gooey, yummy ice cream with whip cream & a cherry on top? It does for me! I saw these at the D.I., yes the D.I., & snagged them up.
{D.I. stands for Deseret Industries & is similar to Salvation Army}
{D.I. stands for Deseret Industries & is similar to Salvation Army}
{I ALWAYS look at the glass aisle, I've found many a treasure on those shelves} |
I think they cost me only .50 cents each. They have been so great to have in our home & serve up yummy ice cream sundaes & shakes in. We have extra long spoons to go with them too to make it easy to eat.
We also keep our "guest dinner ware" in this cupboard as well, up high, that we use quite regularly as well as our everyday bowls & dessert sized mismatched plates
{Also, scored at the DI. All random & mis matched but great to serve toast, muffins or pastries on. They always look great set out on a table too. Fun splashes of color for the table.}
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-This cupboard gets quite the workout during the day. Glad Hector is close by to keep a watchful eye on things too. - |
So, there you have it, my 1st in a series of Collection/ Obsessions. Comment below & tell me if you have a thing for glass, if there is something I should be collecting related to the subject too, I don't want to be missing out on something I should have. Plus, It will be keep me going on this blogging thing knowing that someone out there is reading.
Have a great day everyone!