Back to share a fun trip I took recently with my oldest daughter. I checked her out of school early one Friday to go on a "field trip" of sorts junking & antiquing. She loves it just as much as I do. When I picked her up at the school I noticed an Estate Sale sign right in the center of town so we decided to go explore it. So glad we did!
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-Our load!- |
This is the picture on IG that I posted of the haul we made. AWESOME! What was even more awesome is when I posted the pic someone commented telling me that it was her Grandparents stuff that we had bought. So sweet! It was fun to chat back & forth a bit about a few things I learned about her grandparents just by seeing what there was in their home. So fun to be able to do that, so glad she commented.
You know I'm a sucker for vintage pop bottles & I hit the mother load at this house. You could tell they LoVED Coke & Diet Coke because there were bottles {some even still full} of pop everywhere. I was in heaven. Snagged this case of 23 Diet Coke bottles up for a steal & we'll see what I do with them. Stay tuned!
These are legit, thick glass bottles with lots of curves. Wish they still did things like they used too.
Lately I'm loving vintage, old tin food containers. I don't know why but I got these 3 for $1 each so would could resist. The bottom green sugar tin was used for her sugar. Loved the color & the size.
I told you... more bottles! Mace found these on our 2nd trip back in to look around {I'll tell you why in a bit} The minute I picked them up & saw Santa on them I said, "Yep, we're taking these too" Can't wait to put them out for the holidays & stick poinsettias inside of them.
Snagged these books up for a buck each too. Books I remember being in my Grandma's home that she read to us. Put Me in The Zoo, is one of my all-time favorites. Hope you have that in your home, if not run out & get it! Your kids will love it.
I also am smitten with vintage records. The covers are just so charming & timeless. I love to display them on mantles & shelves. I have too many Christmas ones to count. I just can't turn them down. The Fiddler on the Roof is up in Macey's room because of her love for music & acting.
Ok, lookie here! This is the reason that I went back in. I had spotted this duo of foxes out by their garage & took the smaller one. When we loaded up the car from our first trip I just couldn't stop thinking about the bigger fox & had to go back & get him. {One of them would be going to a different home & I just knew that one needed to come home with me} I think they are so cute! Old metal containers, yard sticks & the real deal horse trophies from the 1930's round out this shot. When I picked up the trophies to get a closer look I could tell they were old because of the weight of them, they are HeaVY not the cheap plastic they are made with today. Another thing I wish they would do the old fashioned way.
Scored some pretty milk glass vases. Can't wait for my peonies to bloom so I can put them in here.
We also went & checked out Smith & Edwards yard. What a fun day spent with this one. Glad we like to do the same thing & have an eye & an appreciation for all the old stuff.
Sometimes it's ok to miss a couple of hours of school to do the things you love.
{Did the school teacher in me just actually say that? }
She got an education that day, trust me. Doing something your passionate about & enjoy makes life fun. I heard someone say once, "Find what you love to do & then figure out a way to make money at it" Good advice. Excited to see what this one decides to do in the next few years.