Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving & weekend all my Blog friends! I ate lots of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy & the tastiest Coconut Creme Pie-yum!
{Happy to say that I only ate 1 piece of pie on Thanksgiving Day.}
I have to say that I am not a big fan of Black Friday.
{anyone else out there?}
A little too crazy & out of control for me.
{I guess I just like my sleep, I've never been that much of a night owl anyway}
So instead of spending the wee hours of the morning out running around shopping I was home making Cinnamon Rolls with my girls, cleaning, hauling up lots of totes from the basement, getting ready for all the Christmas decor to go up & off to chop down our Christmas tree.
{oh...P.S enjoy my new updated playlist with some of my favorite Holiday songs}
-A clean blank space- just ready to deck the halls- |
This year we decided to travel just 3 miles away to get our Christmas tree at Robinson's Tree Farm in our own beautiful city of Mountain Green.
{even though it's a tree farm I love that you still get to "Chop" down the tree}
-The girls & I by the Colorado Blue Spruce we choose to take home- |
TiiiiiiimberrrrrrRR! ...........
-My chance to take a turn at cutting down the tree. What is with my girls & photos- they LOVE to pull funny faces!- |
-Our 1st Mt .Green grown Christmas Tree. All packed & ready to head home & decorate - Holla!- |
-The tree taking it's place in the center of our great room. So glad we put a plug in the floor right in the middle of the room for occasions just like this- |
Then let the decorating begin!
Audrey helped put up the Nativity Scene in the entry way.
Little Olly was there to get into EVERYTHING & see what was going on.
-I was really inspired for all our decor by the colorful Christmas tree skirt we have- |
Ty & Em ready to light up the tree with colored lights. As we were putting up all the decor, lights & ornaments I realized that it is a really colorful scheme in our home for the holidays. Lots of turquoise, reds & greens around here- so bright, festive & fun!
My collection of Vintage & new {with an old charm look to them} ornaments displayed in my old chicken feeder trough. I like to get at least 1 unique, vintage, sparkly ornament a year. One of these days I'll be able to decorate the whole tree with these. I found an adorable dainty little striped one in No. Carolina this year at an antique store.
The girls loved climbing the ladder to decorate the 12 ft. Christmas tree.
Em & I putting on the finishing touches to the tree
Wah-lah! The Quigley's is decked & ready for the Holidays.
I loved getting the tree, putting it up, decorating it & the house all in one day this year {usually it takes a couple of days} Glad all the boxes & totes are put away too. Ahhhh... such a great feeling to accomplish so much in one day- loved it!
-I love to hang snowflakes off of our chandelier during the Holidays. They are up until February & are so sparkly & shiny. I love the colorful glass ball garland I found this year at HomeGoods too- |
Then Sunday afternoon the girls I are were feeling a bit crafty. {I just had to take a picture of all the color that was going on on the island}
We created some cute things! Em, Audrey & I were making wreaths with all sorts of this & that, they turned out fabulous. Can't wait to get them all up & in place.
While A, E& I were making wreaths Miss Mace was making this colorful salad creation for our dinner. Watch out Cafe Rio! This was a tasty salad with the BEST ranch cilantro dressing. I really think I have a culinary genius on my hands- she is so talented!
{I even had the leftovers for lunch today- Lucky me!}
?Honeybee wants to know- what colors do you use in your Christmas decor?
{are you a traditionalist or more modern in your decor}
Speaking of color I simply just *adore* this idea I saw on Pinterest & might have to make a Snow {globe}man for my Holiday decor. LoVE the whole color scheme too- delightful!
I'll be back soon to post more pictures of all the decor in my home
{top, bottom & everywhere in between}
Have a happy day- thanks for stopping by!