-58 Odds & Ends of the Honeybee-
Since I am new to the blogging world & many of you just know me through my business, I thought it might be fun to tell you a little bit more about me {outside of just H&H} First things first the reference to 58 has several meanings to me. It was the address of our first home, where H&H began, & the lot # for our new home was lot 58, where H&H now resides. I thought that was pretty cool! Also the odds & ends has reference to my twin girls, Audrey & Emily, which we usually call Audj & Em. One day my neighbor boy was playing outside & his friend heard him call to Audj & Em, & he asked McKay, "Why do you guys call them Odds & Ends!" The name has stuck & we think it is quite funny. So here are a few odds & ends about me:
1) Have always loved my name Melissa Jan {I also love that I share my middle name with my Dad & daughter Audrey}
2)Proud to say that I grew up in a wonderful little place called Lewiston {So many memories!}
3)I only like to wear solid colored shirts {why, I don't know}
4)I love the smell of lemons!
5)Enjoys an ice cold Cherry Diet Coke now & then :)
6)I make whole-wheat pancakes every weekend for my family, sometimes I throw in some blueberries!
7)I love to listen to music! {that's why I have a play list}
8)Graduated with a BS in Secondary Ed, taught 9th grade for 1 year.
9)Has never had a broken bone {knock on wood!}
10)Can quote Seinfeld at the drop of the hat- LOVE that show!! I love finding things in everyday life that I can relate to Jerry & the gang.
11)Is pretty impatient. Loves promptness & order.
12)Is good at memorizing dates & anything with numbers {phone numbers etc.}
13)Reality shows I like to watch are: Project Runway, Top Chef & the Amazing Race.
14)LOVES Martha Stewart! I am always inspired from watching her show {I have to DVR it becomes it comes on at 2:00 a.m. but I watch it every day}
15)My pet peeve is when I see decorations up for the wrong seasons {ex. pumpkins still on the porch with a Christmas wreath up on someones door- augh!!}
16)Enjoys doing yoga
17)Has a Devil-ish side {I am a HUGE Duke Basketball fan!} GO DUKE!!
18)Loves going antique shopping, the rustier, chips & dings & peeling paint the better!
19)Wants to own a Old Red Ford T-I00 truck one day!
20)Likes to decorate my home
21)Enjoys turning over all the calenders in the house on the 1st day of the month.
22) LOVES getting the mail each day. {especially when it is Pottery Barn catalog day!}
23) Doesn't like open water but has been on 3 cruises.
24) Likes to bake {Especially cakes & cookies}
25)Always orders #25 on the Training Table menu- Yummy! {with cheese fries & dipping sauce of coarse! :) }
26)Can play the piano
27)Collects cake stands
28)Loves BYU football & has season tickets. Go Cougars!
29)Favorite color is Red {however, I don't like seeing it in late November. #28}
30)Thinks the 4th of July is one of the best days of the year.
31)Makes sugar cookies every Valentines Day
32)Favorite Movie is Sound of Music
33)Loves the Fall {pumpkins, cool weather, leaves, football, apples}
34)Gets inspired looking at Scrapbook Paper {my favorite right now is October Afternoon}
35)Wishes I didn't like Chocolate so much
36)Loves to watch the Jazz games w/my husband & eat wheat thins & Swiss cheese {bedtime snack!}
37)Wants to go to Paris & South Africa someday.
38)Wishes I could speak French.
39)Wants to learn how to play the guitar.
40)Knew TQ was the one I would marry the 1st time I saw him!
41) Loves listening to Show-tunes Saturday night on the radio!
42)Knew I was going to have twins before I knew. Just a Mom's feeling :)
43)Wants to own many acres w/ an old barn on it one day.
44)Is NOT a night owl!
45)Enjoys wearing colorful necklaces {maybe that's why I like #3}
46)Played Mother Abess in my HS revival of Sound of Music, ~Climb Every Mountain!!~
47)Teaches a 4-H youth cooking class w/my friend {The 9 Tough Cookies}
48)Will sometimes drive down to SL just to look at the Anthropologie windows.
49)My favorite flowers are -ranaculus, roses & hydrangeas
50)Likes to drink ice water {lemon wedges or cucumber slices are good in it too!}
51)Watches Regis & Kelly EVERY DAY!
52)Thinks Macey Lou is the cutest name!
53)Enjoys watching The Office with Ty {it's so much funnier watching it with him!}
54)Has to make the bed first thing in the morning or it drives me nuts!
55)Likes a Wendy's Single Bacon w/Cheese now & then.
56)Wishes I understood the computer a little better.
57)Tries to find little things each day to be grateful for.
58)Has a Happy life :)